Friday, July 24, 2009

FREE 1-Year Subscription to Milk Magazine

Do you like Hip-Hop but all the magazines just a bit too "young" for you? Give Milk a try. You can go HERE for a free one year subscription to the "grown-up magazine for the hip-hop generation".

FREE 3-Year Subscription to CBS Watch Magazine

Do you like TV? I do. I also watch a lot of shows on CBS. If you do too, go HERE to get a FREE three year subscription to Watch Magazine by CBS. Limited to first 5000 subscribers and offer ends 8/9/09.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Denny's - Buy One Entree, Get One Entree Salad For FREE

Go HERE to print a coupon to get a FREE entree salad with purchase of any entree of equal or greater value at Denny's. Coupon expires 8/9/09.

Monday, July 13, 2009

FREE Screening of the New Movie "Adam"

Go HERE to sign up for the FREE screenings of the new movie Adam.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Guess What Day It Is....7/11!

That means FREE Slurpees at 7-11! Yeah! Perfect day for it too seeing as it is supposed to be low 80's today in the two-oh-six.
I know I'm going to get my wild cherry on bottom, coke on top with yellow straw Slurpee today. Why yellow straw you ask? Because it is the ONE color my kids don't ever pick, and helps me to identify my cup from theirs. ;-)

Oh, and yes, they do this every year.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

FREE Redbox Code Good Through July 7th

Yup, another code...I totally use these...can't remember last time I paid for a movie. These codes work once per card, so if you have different accounts you can use it for as many accounts you have. Here you go: 7HE79B

Saturday, July 4, 2009

So Much FREE Fun

Note: The fire at Fisher Plaza on Friday knocked out the server for the site, so if the link doesn't currently work, that's why. Just try again later.

Okay, I am always looking for something fun but free to do with the girls. Boy have I hit the jackpot! I was told about Geocaching by a fellow board member on the Parks & Rec Board sometime at the end of last year. Not having a GPS, I pushed it to the back of my mind, and there it sat.
Even when Aaron gave me a GPS for my car for Mother's Day I didn't bring it back out of the corner of my mind it was stashed. Only when I started really playing around with the settings on my GPS in the car and came across the "coordinates" options did I recall what I was told.
So this week I went back to to see what it was all about. Quick to get going, I sent a couple caches to my phone and took the girls off on a hunt. We had a blast with the two quick hunts near our home and immediatly returned home to get more.
That was Thursday. Friday we went geocache crazy. We did as much as the baby would allow...when she began stirring we headed back home. WE ARE HOOKED! I highly recommend this to anyone up for a puzzle, a treasure hunt...or just some relaxed fun. It is so neat finding the hidden containers and being stealth so muggles (bystanders) don't see you.
I highly recommend you check it out if you have a GPS...I have found how we are going to fill our summer! Once we hunt some more down I think we will start hiding some! =)